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The development of software is guided by a vision of how fencing tournaments could and should be.

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Tournaments should be easy to organize for all

From time to time, new clubs are founded or heads change in existing ones, so therefore first-time organizers should be guided through the process of running a tournament, assuring adherence to all international and regional rules and regulations.

There should be support for the planning phase of a tournament

Tasks during the planning phase include the selection of a date and possibly the age group, as well as preparing invitations.

Tournament organizers should be easily allowed to setup a tournament network.

Network technologies (including LAN, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth PAN, IrDA) are widely adopted, therefore organizers should be given the opportunity to usefully use them in a tournament environment. This includes the possibility of a client/server-system, with clients in the TD and at the registration desk.

There should be an easy-to-use interface for the input of information

Input should not be limited to keyboard input and should enable automation.

Referees should be enabled to use software to easily assist them with their tasks

Referees should be able to use a device of their choice to assist them in their tasks. Such tasks include recording the score (and possibly the time) of a bout, keeping track of cards and automating the selection of a winner (priority) in case of a timeout, as well as quickly transferring a pool/bout to another referee, integrating a late-entry fencer into an already started pool of bouts and transferring the bout data to the tournament organizers.

There should be ways to integrate additional tasks

Tournament software should be able to automatically update a display or a website in certain situations.